Dancer in the Dark

Japanese (girls & women), you are like dolls !

This is not something I didn’t expected…

Yeah, I didn’t expect so many opinions, ideas and reactions before starting social media activities.

Learning social media marketing brings me many different views of facts. Please understand, the first sentence encouraged me a lot!

It’s very important who said it and in which kind of situation.

My coach, a much younger successful woman (girl) told me during online coaching.

I was lazy to show myself = I didn’t concern about building personal branding at all.

OK, let’s show!

People who knows me well and for a long time may think IT’S NOT YOU, HOW STRANGE!

I do WHAT I CAN DO and show MY KNOW-HOW.

What I’m trying to do? Collecting reactions of people to analyse.

We, humans, get confused if we find that our expectations about a respective person don’t meet.

She isn’t a kind of person. She shouldn’t behave like this, etc.

Then disappointed person denies you or your actions or offend you in the worse case. So are there any countermeasures? Let’s talk – speak up!