Practical English

Nowadays, almost everyone studies business English.
But who leaned Rap & Hip-Hop English (like me)😉?
I learned business English during my work, so it wasn’t hard at all.
Rap & Hip-Hop songs were much harder than contracts written in English.
Slang, grammatically incorrect text and I mostly couldn’t catch what’s going on in a song.
Almost 20 years ago, but this “skill” helped me a lot.
Scottish English
Japanese English
Chinese English
Hindi English
Czech English
whatever …
I catch “what they want to say/tell”.
Who speaks English with “proper, better to say, with textbook- pronunciation?
I just recalled this when I heard some ministers of the new Czech government DON’T speak English.
A big critique and a shower of voices “what a shame!”.
“Your BASIC salary is almost 1 milion JPY (200K CZK) / month, which means you’re a boss (top manager) in a big company. But YOU CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH ???”
I think this is healthy mind – a healthy development in this society.
I just thought correct pronunciation or grammar was welcome, but not MUST HAVE.
Practical skills – you really communicate in English, study, do business, understand others and let others understand you and come to any conclusions, implement projects –
are required nowadays.
So how are your experiences between learning English and practical usage?
From the point of foreign language skills and management skills, priests are certainly good managers. – I felt so in the church (I’m an atheist.)
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