Meditation or my positive vibes?

Horoscope, Chinese zodiac signs, Confucianism, Japanese calendar fortune-telling…

You believe in anything?

I … actually read 0 of influential books about business and leadership success or business know-how, whatever…

Neither about Steve Jobs ???

Not yet.

I believe those all bestsellers are fantastic!

I just don’t want to do the same like others. That’s all.

So far, many teaching from Confucianism or variety of Buddhistic schools gave me a lot what I should practice in my private life and leading my business.

I’m an atheist and I take advantage of anything which makes me sense.

No border.

Oh, not necessary to be so serious!

Many of my positive vibes are from Ikkyú-san – Japanese anime 🤗

He was a Zen Buddhist, maybe little CONTRAVERSIAL.

As he was not the famous Shógun or Samurai, his life has not been in the spotlight in English.. (You can google him Ikkyu Sojun, but you find just basic information.)

So…. that’s good! (What?)

I look like much creative than others! (Haha…)

I dare to say being controversial is good nowadays.

You don’t bore anyone (maybe you bother someone🥲) and you offer originality, not being easy to copy!

Of course it depends where you work or in which filed you want to be the No.1.

Thank you for giving me the rest and deep breathing.

The forest bathing from amazing place!

WebWavelife with Namiko Sakamoto

Život na webu s vlnkou Namiko Sakamoto