
「スポーツするために生まれてきたような人間」だったことを思い出す。- I was born for sports life!, Well I just rememberd, but I didn’t have to … –
才能は才能。Talents are talents.
努力は努力。Efforts are efforets.
どれも測ることができないからおもしろい。As we can’t measure or figure those abstract values, it’s so interesting!
徒然とブログを綴る前に、まずは第一印象を。 Just first impression from the CX ski competition.
Sport Tradition in Czechia – Jizerská 50🇨🇿 (6h23m) 999m UP
“3 steps ahead, 2 steps behid” in Japanese song. (BTW, the binding was still in a slow style setting…)
どれも初経験 Thank you! OMG…
If somethins (misfortune) happens twice, the 3rd (last) shall happen. Time loss, but survived! You can guess 2 incidents from photos.
My motor nervers, & talent caover bad conditions & no training.
You can do it if you stop being lazy.
Cross-country skiing is also called Nordic skiing, which was m keyword. = Sport is abouttechniques and imagery.
Throw away garbage in the designated “disposal OK”area!
Banana to your mouth?
I thought there was nothing I could eat. All sweets, but at the last aid station “I have sausages and soup!”
Looking for a toilet – never ending story
I remembered my swimming childhood when I kept refusing offers to join the “athlete course” aiming for the Junior Olympics.
The competitive style of “strong in the last spurt” has not changed since my childhood = Puting out in the last 10km
I feel like I wasted my time, a little bit, 6.5 hour was too much…
I am fascinated by my new skill in a good form. If you use sticks correctly, it will make a good sound when the stick touch the snow.
My body tells. “Look, it’s refreshing! Don’t just sitting every day & foerver!” = CX skiing is a healthy sport, so you won’t get any backlash the next day.
Official website: https://jiz50.cz/en/

I’ll gradually spell out such things on my blog.
First of all, a good report from me! Thank you all for your encouragement!
WebWavelife with Namiko Sakamoto
Život na webu s vlnkou Namiko Sakamoto