BTS at the White House

-Who expected that South Korean pop superstar joins #diversity and #inclusion discussion with President for #AAPI ?

#韓国 の人気男性グループ「BTS(防弾少年団)」が先日 #ホワイトハウス を訪問し、米国在住 #アジア人 へのヘイトクライム(憎悪犯罪)をめぐり #バイデン大統領 と対談したことは #日本 でも話題に上りました。


Let’s check such basic figures.

#アメリカ の人口:およそ3億3千万人(2020年)

US population: Approx. 330 million (2020)


Asian polulation in US is 22,4 million in 2019 and supporsed to be douled in 2060 by reacing 46,2 million.

内訳 Groups:

中国系 Chinese- 24%

インド系 Indian- 21%

フィリピン系 Filipino- 19%

ベトナム系 Vietnamese- 10%

韓国系 Korean- 9%

日系 Japanese- 7%

その他 All others 15%


Figures do not meet 100% as some individuals indentifying themselves to several Asian goups.


I feel this video from briefing is more interesting and authontic than video from the meeting with President.  





Pretty good marketing to show the presence of South Korea as well as the education of the diversity as an enlightment in the 21th century!


BTW, a shortage of baby formula in US is getting more serious. Then US warned India on rapidly increased imports of Russian oil. So many tasks for a world leader.

You can check detailed statistics a& focust of US population here:





#japanese from #czechia


#チェコ #日本人





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