
Subsidiaries of Japanese production company in Europe are struggling !? 




Jested Tower in Liberec city, 1012 m.a.s.l.



Maybe it’s not so worthless to start with reasons or factors why Japanese production companies shall establish their subsidiaries in Europe.

1 カーメーカーをはじめとする客先が欧州に進出し、ぜひ来てください!とお声がけがあったため。   A current client (usually a worldwide car maker) in Japan gave an offer of new business in Europe.  

2 欧州メーカーのビジネスを獲得できたため。The company won a new business with European car maker.
3 欧州の市場展開(最終消費者向け販売)でビジネスを拡大するため Expanding business portfolio in  European markets
4 1、2、3混合 Several reasons from 1, 2 & 3.

One of Toyota factories is in Czechia and there are Japanese companies such as Tier 1 (primary auto parts manufacturers), which keep good business performance and stable management.Additionally,  as coolers are becoming more common among European households, air conditioning manufacturers have a chance. Let’s say, there is a market where the more you produce, the more you can sell.
However, it is also an important fact that many companies say, “Our business in Europe is not so profitable / with low profits, de facto, factories in the US and China gain profit.”

ではなぜ日系製造業の欧州拠点が必要か? So why do Japanese manufacturing companies need European subsidiaries?

製造業の予算作成や投資承認(稟議)などにも携わらせれいただいていましたが、シビアな世界です。 I was also involved in budgeting process and investment approval for the manufacturing industry, and actually it’s too severe.

・いつ「閉鎖しろ」と言われてもおかしくない状態 It’s no surprise to get a call  to “close the factory” at any time.
・親会社は存続を望んでいても移転価格問題で不適切な価格設定を指摘され、価格を引き上げると親会社にとっては面白くない状態(さて、どうしよう?) Even if the parent company wants the Czech subsidiary to survive, inappropriately set price was pointed out during the transfer pricing inspection, and raising the price is not a suitable deal for the mother company. (So what should be done?)
・なんとか「がんばって」続けてくれと言われている状態 (さて、どうがんばろう?) “Do your best” cheering to the subsidiary from Japan. (Well, how do we do our best?)
・売却やM&Aの対象となった拠点 The company was a subject to sale or M&A

こういった企業も多いのは事実です。It is true that there are many such companies.

また、工場立ち上げから5年程の「チェコプロジェクト」は、遅延と赤字が続いていることが多く、親会社の幹部からはねぎらいの言葉よりも批判を頂戴するのが一般的です。「裁判にかけられてるみたいだよ」と日本側との温度差を詳しく伺うこともありました。 The Czech project has been “red figures” for about five years after establishment, and the project often got delayed. It’s generally criticised by the executives of the mother company rather than receiving warm words of gratitude. I was sometimes told in detail about different feelings & views from the Japan side, so that … “It looks like we are on trial.”

また、日本人駐在員の方々も、「5年も海外で過ごしちゃうと、日本に帰っても戻れる部署がないんだよね。どこに回されるんだろ?」と心配される声も伺います。 Some Japanese expats are worried, “If we spend five years abroad, it’s hard to find a suitable position to return, so where I’m going to be transferred … ?”

駐在員の方々から、直接業務とは関わりのない親会社との関係、表立っては言えない運営事情、駐在員としての不安といったお話を伺うことは現在も多いです。 Until now, I often hear from Japanese expatriates about relationship or conflict between the parent company and the subsidiary, which is not directly related to our services, about operational circumstances that cannot be openly shared, and also about their anxieties as expatriates.

「自分の経験を活かして欲しい。埋もれて欲しくない。しかし、社内では業績や数値以外の細かいことを体系的に活かしてもらえる場所はない。」との思いから。 Everyone seems to wish, “I want you to utilise my experiences. I don’t want to let it be just passed around. However, there is no place in the company where our employer can systematically analyse details other than business performance and figures.”

This situation can be described as it is a crack of the global expansion of Japanese companies, but it’s good opportunity to put the spotlight on the achievements and hardships of Japanese expats working & struggling in Czechia and introducing adaptable case studies from the viewpoint of industrial psychology. I think this is something (almost) only I can do.


On the other hand, there are also people who work in these ways, “I don’t do any work more than my salary.”, “I’ll go home after 5 pm like the Czechs.” or “My company is stable, so I have free time.” Please don’t have such an image that expats life abroad means “living in the hell”💦


The salary paid for expats is higher than that of in Japan, so some definitely enjoy living in Prague and traveling around Europe. Depends on individuals, depends on companies.


写真は、駐在員の方が日本からチェコにお戻りになる度にいただいたお土産です。There are souvenirs from an expatriate from Japan in the photo. 

私の大切なものづくりお土産です。Monozukuri manufacturing souvenirs as my precious memories!

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