Japanese translation?
Namiko Sakamoto


その道に明るい(そのみちに あかるい)

=You know well about (respective) matters.

If you practicing Japanese conversation, writing or you often translate news articles, you should know formal expressions and trend – colloquial. I recommend Globe.Asahi. Here is a concrete example with the expression “Cultural Appropriation”. Let’s try! read more

今更ながら日本でよく見られる『不当労働行為』とは? (日本語/EN)

Overwork’s almost killing us & more…


どうして、このような状況が日本の大手企業において成り立つのでしょうか。 read more

Japanese single moms business activities

How many single mothers are in Japan?

1,230,000 households

(Single father households are 187,000.)

The child poverty rate of Japan according to OECD, 2018 is 13,9 %.


I met on Twitter some successful single-mother startups! If startup is not a suitable expression, sorry, it should be replaced by “as a freelancer” or “as a CEO / Managing Director”. But such kinds of activities were seriously new & fresh that I was fascinated! read more

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